“Then at last the LORD said to me, You have been wandering around in this hill country long enough; turn to the north.” Deuteronomy 2:2-3 Wandering around in this country long enough? About 39 years! The Israelites were heading for the promised land after their wilderness staycation.
Next stop:
“ . . The people hurried over (the Jordan River) . . . as Moses had directed them. . . About forty thousand armed for battle crossed over before the Lord to the plains of Jericho for war.” Joshua 4:10,12-13 Hooah!
JOURNAL ENTRY 2017 -- Note to Self:
Will it be this year? Will this be the year you stop wandering around and around your personal mountain, and turn another direction? When the Red Sea and the Jordan River are parted for you - as they have been time after time - will you hurry on over?
Or will you hang around, hoping for another miracle to make your life in the wilderness easier? Will you be among the brothers and sisters armed for battle, and cross over to the plains of Jericho for war?
Or will you be shopping for the right color of carpet for your cage floor?
You can’t cross over with your other Gods stashed in your backpack….those things you put before the One who has asked that you shall not have anything before Him. Could there be a request any more clear? Those other Gods will sink you like a sack of rocks tied to your back.
God’s plan does not include making your life a yawn-fest. If you are not living a supernatural, miracle filled life every day, full of joy, then you’re either running around in circles in the wilderness or shackled to a wall somewhere.
Yes, there are things He asks of you, but the most predominant request, the thing He wants the most – your love. Because He knows when you can give it freely and completely, your joy on this earth will be incomparable. And His joy will be complete!
And, here’s the kicker. You can live in the Promised Land right now! You don’t have to wait until Jesus comes again. Have God – Will Travel (later).
Jesus says “I tell you the truth, whoever hears my word and believes Him who sent me has eternal life and will not be condemned; he has crossed over from death to life.” John 5:24
The war is raging on the plains right now. God wins! He stopped the sun for a day to give Joshua time to over come. Do you have any doubt He won’t do the same for you? Move on out, stop circling the same mountain, take another direction.
“The definition of insanity is continuing to do the same thing over and over while expecting a different result.” I don’t want to run around in the same circle any more. I don’t want to settle for mediocre joy. I want to hurry on over and start living!
“Took a look down a westbound road, right away I made my choice.
Headed out to my big two wheeler I was tired of my own voice.
Got a bead on that northern plain and
just rolled that power on.”